The logs include the following
Add or remove bots
Ban, kick and unban users
Create, edit, delete webhooks
Create, delete and edit automoderation rules
Create, delete and edit threads
Create, delete and edit channels
Create, delete and edit roles
Create, delete and edit stickers
Create, delete and edit emojis
Create, delete and edit channel permissions
Create, delete and edit sounds
Create, delete and edit events
Create, delete and edit stages
Create and delete invitations
Edit server
Edit the user roles
Edit the application command permissions
Editing the Verification Bypass, Nickname, Timeout, Server Mute or Server Deafen of a member
Delete, bulkdelete & edit messages
Pin and Unpin messages
Remove Reactions & Remove All Reactions
Edit Server Guide
Edit Default Channels
Edit Onboarding
Missing logging types
Edit Server Web Page
Edit Discovery
Edit Monetization
For Welcome and Goodbye see Welcome & Leave
/logs channel [type] [channel]
Set the channel in which the logs are sent.
If the system has not yet been deactivated manually, the system is deactivated automatically.
Argument [type]
Choose the type of logging. The messages related to this type will be sent in [channel].
Argument [channel]
The logs are sent in this channel.
The bot needs the "Manage Webhooks" permission in the [channel]
/logs toggle
Activate or deactivate the logs. If they are deactivated, they will not be sent.
/logs delete [type]
Removed the channel for a logging type.
If you have used a specific channel (All types except "All Logging Types") and a channel for the other logging (Type: All) and you delete the specific channel, it will use the all channel.
Argument [type]
The type of logging.
Last updated